I'm reading Bossypants by Tina Fey right now, which is such a great read, and I thought this passage was smart and appropriate and hilarious so I had to share it.
This is Tina's "laundry list of attributes women must have to qualify as beautiful":
- Caucasian blue eyes
- full Spanish lips
- a classic button nose
- hairless Asian skin with a California tan
- a Jamaican dance hall ass
- long Swedish legs
- small Japanese feet
- the abs of a lesbian gym owner
- the hips of a nine-year old boy
- the arms of Michelle Obama
- and doll tits
I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did =).
<3 Claire
<3 Claire
P.S. no plans on Sunday? Come and talk dance and eat cupcakes with me...doesn't that sound dreamy? 2nd Sundays @ CounterPULSE