Tuesday, September 29, 2015

a perspective on our process, by Rosie Ortega

Summer is winding down, the sun is setting earlier each day, and Karl the fog creeps back into the city by the bay. As one season ends another begins, that is the fcdc 2015-2016 dance season! We are back in rehearsal and excited for what lies ahead in the coming months. After a very successful inaugural home season last year, we are excited to regroup, reconnect and continue our mission of dancing for change.This idea of change is one of the constants of fcdc, not only as our company evolves from season to season, but also as we strive to bring change in the realms of social justice and equality using our collective artistic vision to propel that forward. Many of our past performance themes have focused on personal, emotional concepts that although are unique to each member of fcdc, they are also what bond us as a company.

Reflecting on the past 2 seasons I have been a part of fcdc, I have been lucky enough to watch the company flourish and progress. Although it is gratifying to complete a piece and perform for an audience, the rehearsal process leading up to those moments are the hours where I not only love to choreograph and explore new movement, but I also love to watch my fellow dancers’ artistic processes. Rehearsal is the place where the choreographic magic begins. Each dancer brings his or her own unique flair from week to week, building and collaborating as a collective to create something new.

In our last few rehearsals, we have started exploring our next project. WIthout giving away too many details, we have decided to emphasize storytelling and the many stories each of us bring to the table not only as performers and artists, but also as human beings. When we really stop and listen to more than one story, it enables us to grow and understand concepts that may have previously been foreign. I hope to hear more stories in the next weeks and months both in rehearsal and outside, and in turn use those stories to shape and guide the artistic process we practice as we prepare for the next exciting season.